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Sunday, 1 August 2010

Llanstephan Castle, oil on card 8 by 6 inches


Sheila Vaughan said...

Very Turneresque but the Jonesesque trademark use of tone and colour cannot be denied. Fabulous.

Simon Jones said...

Thanks Sheila, am envious of your life drawing ability and opportunity, life drawing session are few and far between around here.

Sheila Vaughan said...

The life classes are becoming more important to me than I ever imagined. The act of sitting there in front of a real person and struggling to represent their "idea" on paper - I wish you had the opportunity Simon. I think you would love it.

Simon Jones said...

I have been looking for one locally, no joy, every time I have done it in the past I found it very satisfying especially once the first couple of lessons were behind me and I got into the swing of it. you know when you've got the human form right, equally you can see when there's something wrong.

Lorena said...

love it, are you going to do a similar larger series?

Simon Jones said...

Thanks Lorena, no after much thought and contrary advice, I am just sticking to the smaller ones.